Thursday, July 8, 2010

~+Gimchi Saranghae+~

Yes Korea is making a statement in the world with their K-pop music, dramas and food. As a food lover, I'm addicted to gimchi. The spicy and sour cabbage eaten with rice, stew or wrapped up with a piece of BBQ meat in a lettuce leaf just makes my mouth water.

The first time I got hooked on gimchi was during my dining experience in an authentic Korean restaurant here in Melaka. I got so addicted to it til one day I decided to search how to make my own gimchi so that I could enjoy it anytime I want.

Chinese cabbage being salted for an hour or two.

Self-made gimchi red pepper paste.

Finished gimchi ready to be fermented.

Gimchi can be eaten straight away but it won't have the sour taste. By fermenting it at room temperature for at least 2days will make it sour. After 2days, gimchi can be stored in the fridge for 3months or more (depending on how frequent you eat it). My gimchi always finish within 3months. Lol.. Gimchi can be eaten as a side dish as Koreans do for every meal or it can be added to make Spicy Gimchi Stew, simply awesome and delicious.

A small tip, eating gimchi can help you loose weight because it is good for your digestive system. My friend actually lost 3kg and I lost 2kg after 1month of eating gimchi everyday. The result may differ to different people so don't take my word fully. I'm just giving a tip that I've seen with my own experience. Go ahead and try some! ^_^

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